

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


time iconSeptember 25, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Networking Breakfast

Kick off your InnoFest experience with our exclusive Networking Breakfast, a unique opportunity to connect with the innovative LG NOVA team.

Engage in meaningful conversations, share ideas, and forge new connections that could shape your startup journey. Don't miss this chance to start the day energized and inspired, setting the stage for a productive and impactful day

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Startup Launchpad: Pitch Perfect

Startup Focus, Interactive Discussion
Location: CleanTech Stage
Format: Special Activation

Session Takeaways

  • Startups will share their pitch and receive feedback from venture capitalists.
  • Polish skills needed to deliver the perfect pitch live.
  • Refine the five key areas of a startup pitch.


Come ready to share your 4-minute pitch, and hear directly from investors and VCs. Aspiring entrepreneurs and startups will polish their pitching skills and hone in on delivering a captivating, undeniable pitch to investors and VCs. Led by a seasoned expert in startup coaching and investors, attendees will gain invaluable insights into crafting a compelling narrative that communicates their vision. Participants will refine their delivery, body language, and presentation skills through practical exercises and hands-on workshopping. Whether you're seeking funding or aiming to win over stakeholders, this session will equip you with the tools to present your startup's story effectively and unlock new growth opportunities.

speaker headshot Wade Bitaraf
Founder, Energy & Sustainability
Plug and Play
speaker headshot Winston Choe
Director of Innovation Business Development
speaker headshot Angeline Tan
Center Director
BLOCK71 Silicon Valley by NUS Enterprise
speaker headshot Matt Ridenour
Head of Accelerator & Startup Ecosystem
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Coalition for Innovation Meet & Greet (Invite Only)

Location: Disruption Lab

Open to all current Coalition for Innovation members, this meet & greet is an opportunity to hear from LG NOVA’s EVP, Sokwoo Rhee, on the importance of this initiative and meet fellow Coalition members in-person.
Interested in the Coalition? Learn more HERE.

speaker headshot Jami Diaz
Sr. Manager, Ecosystem
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Emerging AI Technologies: What's Next?

AI, Expert Panel
Location: AI/ HealthTech Stage
Format: Panel Discussion

Session Takeaways

Understanding the Powerhouse Technologies: Attendees will gain a deep understanding of emerging AI technologies such as vector databases, semantic search, RAG, knowledge graphs, and AI agents, and their potential to revolutionize industries.

Practical Applications for Startups: The session will provide actionable and expert insights on how startups can leverage these technologies for production applications.

Future Trends and Opportunities: Participants will be equipped with knowledge about the future direction of AI, enabling them to identify potential business opportunities and make informed strategic decisions.


In this panel, experts will explore emerging AI technologies such as vector databases, semantic search, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), knowledge graphs, and AI agents, highlighting their transformative potential across industries. Attendees will gain practical insights on how startups can leverage these innovations for production-ready applications. The session will also cover future AI trends, equipping participants with the knowledge to identify new business opportunities and make strategic decisions. By attending, you'll leave with a clear understanding of cutting-edge AI and how it can be a game-changer for your organization.

speaker headshot P.K. Mishra
Product Manager
speaker headshot Tashfeen Suleman
Federation AI Inc
speaker headshot Lyndsay Donhoff
CEO & Co-Founder
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:15 PM

Morning Break

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

A Look Into LG

Main Stage
Location: Main Stage
Format: Presentations

As a global leader, LG corporate mission is to innovate for a better life by creating smart life solutions that improve people’s lives and the planet’s future. Come to this session to hear about the work LG does from a selection of its businesses to inspire, innovate, and lead in the transformation of businesses.

During this session, Sokwoo Rhee, EVP of Innovation for LG Electronics and Head of LG NOVA, LG Electronics North America Innovation Center, will share exciting updates on LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future program - and where it plans to head next in its evolution. Dr. Rhee will also cover LG Electronics’ bold new direction to become a smart home solutions company and what that means for innovators.

Guest presenter, Howard Kim, President of LG Chem America and Business Service Group will join Sokwoo Rhee on stage during this session on LG.

LG Chem has a strong history in biology and science as the largest Korean chemical company. A subsidiary of LG Corporate and sister company to LG Electronics, LG Chem focuses on the development of advanced materials, petrochemicals and life sciences. Joining the LG NOVA team at InnoFest, and a co-sponsor of the Startup Pitch Competition, LG Chem will share its vision for “Connecting Science to Life” for a better future, leading with science for sustainability. Mr. Kim will use this opportunity to share more about innovations at LG Chem, and how it wants to work with innovators to explore new ideas for a better future.

speaker headshot Sokwoo Rhee
LG Electronics
speaker headshot Lori H. Schwartz
CEO and Founder
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM


time iconSeptember 25, 2024
12:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Innovation Showcase: Exhibits & Demos

Startup Focus, For Investors, AI, CleanTech, HealthTech

With a focus on innovative solutions for people and planet, these companies have been selected by LG NOVA, as a part of its Mission for the Future initiative, to showcase their unique solutions in HealthTech, CleanTech and AI for Humanity. Come visit, experience demos and hear their story on their vision of tomorrow.

Visit the exhibitor’s page to learn more about the companies. And set up time to meet with them at InnoFest.

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

Building with LG

Interactive Discussion, Startup Focus
Location: Interactive Discussion Area
Format: Collaborative Think Tank

Bold ideas - Big collaboration. LG is looking for innovative partners to join forces to build real-world solutions for a better life for people and the planet, and to help us move towards the future faster. Alongside LG’s innovation programs, LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future Initiative sets the agenda for open collaboration with startups, tech giants, corporate entities, investors and entrepreneurs to join LG to build towards a better future together. Join this session to hear from leaders from across LG businesses share what is important to them and how they view the market. Participate in an open discussion with business leaders at LG on new ideas and areas for exploration and collaboration with LG.

speaker headshot Sokwoo Rhee
LG Electronics
speaker headshot Josh Di Frances
Head of Incubation
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Investor Demo Day

For Investors
Location: Main Stage
Format: Special Activation

At LG NOVA’s Investor Demo Day, you'll discover groundbreaking solutions from startups in our Grand Challenge and Commercial Acceleration Program (CAP), all focused on CleanTech, HealthTech, and AI. This is your opportunity to connect with visionary entrepreneurs and explore promising investment opportunities that are poised to make a real impact. Join us and be among the select few driving the future of these critical industries.

speaker headshot Alicia Hanf
Head of Institutional Partnerships
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

The Future of Venture Capital - Fireside Chat & Panel Discussion

For Investors, Expert Panel, Mail Stage, Startup Focus
Location: Main Stage
Format: Panel Discussion

Session Takeaways:

  • Diverse perspectives highlight VC industry's evolving landscape
  • Hybrid capital and PPPs driving economic change

Session Description:

Explore the dynamic landscape of venture capital and its profound impact on economic change at both national and global levels. This session will delve into the future of the VC model, examining how innovative approaches such as hybrid capital, public-private partnerships (PPPs), and venture studios are shaping the industry. Highlighting the success and forward-thinking strategies and partnerships of LG NOVA.

This session is divided into two parts, an intimate fireside chat, and then panel discussion with leading venture capitalists.  

Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking session that brings together a diverse group of leaders to discuss the future of venture capital and its role in driving economic transformation.

speaker headshot Liz Federowicz
General Counsel
speaker headshot Ali Diallo
Founder & CEO, MD
Aurion Capital
speaker headshot Alicia Hanf
Head of Institutional Partnerships
speaker headshot Brian Sykes
Next Era Energy
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Investor Demo Day

Mission For the Future Startup Company Pitches.

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Afternoon Break

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Revolutionizing Frontline Training: Bridging the Skills Gap

AI, Interactive Discussion
Location: Hustle Hub
Format: Collaborative Think Tank

Session Takeaways:

  • Understanding the Frontline Training Challenge: Gain insights into the critical issues facing frontline training, including high turnover, outdated materials, and inefficiencies.
  • Innovative Solutions: Learn about emerging technologies and strategies to modernize frontline training, such as {AI, augmented reality, and mobile learning}.
  • Collaboration for Impact: Discover how partnerships between industry, government, and technology providers can drive positive change in frontline workforce development
  • Measuring ROI: Explore metrics and key performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of frontline training programs and demonstrate their impact on business outcomes.


The frontline workforce is the backbone of many industries, yet they often face challenges with accessing consistent, effective training. High turnover rates, reliance on outdated materials, and manual processes contribute to exorbitant training costs. This session will explore innovative solutions to transform frontline training. Learn how industry leaders, government agencies, and technology providers are collaborating to develop and implement cutting-edge training programs that enhance employee performance, boost retention, and drive business growth. Discover the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in frontline training.

speaker headshot Izzet Darendeli
Associate Professor
California State University
speaker headshot Carlos Escobar
Research Assistant
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Startup Launchpad: Mentoring Sessions

Interactive Discussion, Starup Focus
Location: Disruption Lab
Format: Special Activation

Mentoring Sessions create an opportunity for startups and entrepreneurs to meet with industry experts who have a collection of experiences and wisdom to share.  

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Afternoon Break

time iconSeptember 25, 2024
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM

From Hype to Reality: AI's Impact on Patient Care

Interactive Discussion, Festured Experts, HealthTech
Location: Disruption Lab
Format: Panel + Collaborative Think Tank

Discover how AI's potential is being realized in healthcare through specific use cases that enhance patient care and efficiency. This session will address the current gaps hindering AI deployment in traditional healthcare organizations as well as how leading digital health startups are incorporating AI into their offerings. Join a hosted panel of featured experts and progressive providers, including representatives from leading medical institutions and CEOs of digital health startups, as they share insights and challenges in accelerating AI adoption in clinical settings.

speaker headshot Luqman Lawal
Head, Global expansion
Mayo Clinic Platform
speaker headshot Maryam Jahed
Product Lead
speaker headshot Divya Chhabra
Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM

LG Chem Meet & Greet (Invite Only)

For invited attendees from the Life Sciences and CleanTech track, LG Chem is hosting a special session to have open dialogue for innovation and collaboration. You will have the opportunity to meet directly with LG Chem's US Business Development team to discuss emerging technologies and market trends.

Life Sciences:

  • AI-driven drug discovery
  • Oncology
  • Cell/gene therapy
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Organ-on-a-chip


  • Battery technologies (next-gen materials, innovative process)
  • Technologies for carbon reduction (circular or bio-based materials, renewable energy, carbon capture/utilization, etc.)
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM

Coalition for Innovation - Working Session (Invite Only)

Location: Hustle Hub

Open to all current Coalition for Innovation members, this will be our annual in-person working session where we’ll dive deeper into the areas we’ve been discussing over the past few months.

speaker headshot Jami Diaz
Sr. Manager, Ecosystem
time iconSeptember 25, 2024
6:00 PM - 6:15 PM

Innovation Recap - Day 1

Interactive Discussion, Main Stage
Location: Main Stage
Format: Special Activation
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


time iconSeptember 26, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Networking Breakfast: Focus on the LG NOVA Commercial Acceleration Program

Startup Focus, Interactive Discussion

Format: Special Activation

Kick off your InnoFest experience with our exclusive Networking Breakfast, a unique opportunity to connect with the innovative LG NOVA team.

Engage in meaningful conversations, share ideas, and forge new connections that could shape your startup journey. Don't miss this chance to start the day energized and inspired, setting the stage for a productive and impactful day.

During this networking breakfast, we're featuring speakers from our Commercial Acceleration Program. Come learn, ask questions, hear about how you can apply to be a part of the LG NOVA Commercial Acceleration Program.

speaker headshot William Barkis
Head of Grand Challenges and Ecosystem Development
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

Investor Tour 1 of 2 (Invite Only)

For Investors

Format: Special Activation

Designed especially for investors and VCs, we're hosting a walk-through of the companies selected to be a part of the LG NOVA Mission for the Future Initiative. These companies are a showcase of great ideas and technologies that are future-positive. During the tour, investors will have the chance to ask questions, explore investment opportunities, and foster meaningful connections with both the startups and fellow investors within our network. This event is designed to provide a more intimate and detailed exploration of the future-driven solutions that are shaping tomorrow's industries.

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM


Main Stage, Expert Panel, Startup Focus, AI, CleanTech, HealthTech
Location: Main Stage
Format: Presentation

We're excited to kick-off Day 2 with a brief welcome message from our host, Lori Schwartz. There's a lot planned for the second day, starting with our special keynote speaker - Norman Winarsky. Following his talk are so many exciting sessions ranging from our Public-Private-Partnership and our Corporate Incubator Panels to our exciting Startup Pitch Competition and HealthTech, CleanTech and AI sessions.

And we'll be ending the day with our annual bash - networking, dancing, drinks and more fun.

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

KEYNOTE with Norman Winarsky: If You Really Want to Change the World: A Blueprint for building Successful Breakthrough Ventures

Main Stage, Featured Expert, Startup Focus, AI, CleanTech, HealthTech, Interactive Discussion
Main Stage
Format: Presentation

If you’ve ever said “Hey Siri”, you’ve already experienced the impact that Norman Winarksy has created in the world. As one of the co-founders of Siri, Inc., Norman literally put AI in your pocket, changing how we interact with our devices in ways we didn’t even know we needed.

As the former President of SRI Ventures, he’s been the driving force behind more than 70 successful startups, spanning everything from artificial intelligence to healthcare. He’s turned ideas into revolutionary companies that make the world a better place.

In his keynote, "If You Really Want to Change the World: A Blueprint for Building Successful, Breakthrough Ventures," Norman’s not just going to tell you how to start a company—he’s going to show you how to create something that could reshape the future. His talk is packed with insights from his incredible journey, sprinkled with the kind of practical advice that only someone who’s been in the trenches can provide.

Anyone looking to take their startup idea from the drawing board to world-changing success needs to attend this session. So whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned innovator, buckle up—because Norman’s going to show you how to change the world, one breakthrough venture at a time!

speaker headshot Norman Winarsky
Winarsky Ventures
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Innovation Showcase: Exhibits & Demos

Startup Focus, For Investors, AI, CleanTech, HealthTech

With a focus on innovative solutions for people and planet, these companies have been selected by LG NOVA, as a part of its Mission for the Future initiative, to showcase their unique solutions in HealthTech, CleanTech and AI for Humanity. Come visit, experience demos and hear their story on their vision of tomorrow.   

Visit the exhibitor’s page to learn more about the companies. And set up time to meet with them at InnoFest. 

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Morning Break

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Creating a Thriving Innovation Ecosystem: Strategies for Collaboration Among Corporations, Investors, Governments, and Universities

Main Stage, Expert Panel, For Investors, Startup Focus, Interactive Discussion
Location: Main Stage
Format: Panel + Collaborative Think Tank

Session Takeaways:

  • Accessing capital and scaling through stakeholder collaboration
  • Overcoming barriers to innovation
  • Key ingredients for successful innovation ecosystems
  • Strategies for tech transfer and commercialization


Building successful innovation ecosystems is critical for supporting new and existing technology startups and serving as a tremendous driver of economic growth. These ecosystems thrive through the collaborative efforts of a broad range of stakeholders from the public, private, and university sectors. This panel will delve into the essential components required for developing robust innovation ecosystems, highlighting the successful practices and strategies that "get it right."

Key topics to be discussed include the roles and timing of key stakeholders, methods for replicating successful ecosystems across the U.S. and globally, and strategies for accessing capital to accelerate and scale startups. 

Join us for an insightful session that brings together leaders from various sectors to share their experiences and strategies for fostering innovation and supporting tech startups. 

speaker headshot Mitch Carmichael
Cabinet Secretary
WV Department of Economic Development
speaker headshot Nicole Valentine
FinTech Director
Milken Institute
speaker headshot Annette Finsterbusch
Developing Successful Innovation Ecosystems
National Science Foundation (NSF)
speaker headshot Jason Griffiths
Vice President of Partnerships
Los Angeles Rams
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM


time iconSeptember 26, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Energizing Tommorrow: Efficiency, Safety and Innovation

Location: CleanTech Stage
Format: Collaborative Think Tank
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Scaling AI: Navigating the Implementation Journey

AI, Interactive Discussion
Location: AI/ HealthTech Stage
Format: Panel Discussion

Session Takeaways:

  • Data is key: Understand the importance of high-quality, representative data for training and evaluating AI models.
  • Model selection and optimization: Learn about the factors to consider when choosing the right AI model and techniques for a given problem.
  • Deployment challenges and solutions: Explore the practicalities of deploying AI models in production environments, including scalability, reliability, and security.
  • Continuous learning and improvement: Discuss the importance of ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and retraining of AI models to ensure their effectiveness over time.


This session will delve into the challenges and strategies involved in transitioning AI concepts from theoretical models to real-world, production environments. We'll explore the practical aspects of implementing AI solutions, including data preparation, model selection, deployment, and ongoing maintenance. Attendees will gain insights into the common pitfalls and best practices for successful AI implementation, enabling them to apply AI effectively to their own projects.

speaker headshot Raghib Hussain
President, Products & Technologies
Marvell Technology Inc.
speaker headshot Sahar Arshad
Director of New Ventures, AI
speaker headshot Abhinai Srivastava
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Health Equity: Innovative Digital Care Models for All

HealthTech, Expert Panel, Interactive Discussion
Location: Disruption Lab
Format: Panel Discussion

Discover how innovative digital care models are revolutionizing health equity by enhancing care access for underserved communities. This session will explore tailored approaches for specific groups, including rural populations, women’s health, people of color, veterans, elder care, and individuals with disabilities. Join us to learn from experts and pioneers who are leading the way in creating inclusive, accessible healthcare solutions that bridge gaps and promote better health outcomes for all.

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Coalition for Innovation - Informational Session

Location: Hustle Hub

Are you passionate about driving positive outcomes in HealthTech, CleanTech, or AI? Do you want to continue to connect and collaborate with fellow innovators even after InnoFest ends? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you should join us for this informational session so we can share details about the Coalition for Innovation because, Together We’re Together!
Interested in the Coalition? Learn more HERE.

speaker headshot Jami Diaz
Sr. Manager, Ecosystem
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Empowering Innovation: Growing with Corporate Incubators

Expert Panel, Main Stage, Startup Foccus
Location: Main Stage
Format: Panel Discussion

Session Takeaways

  • Learn about corporate incubators - what they offer and how they are different. 
  • Hear about what each incubator is looking for when collaborating with startups.
  • Explore both sides of the coin - the benefits and challenges of corporate incubators.
  • Panelists will participate in mentoring sessions following the panel. 


Explore how corporate incubators provide startups with resources, mentorship, and market access, accelerating their journey from ideation to market integration. Learn firsthand how these incubators guide startups through challenges, offer invaluable networking opportunities, and ensure sustainable scaling. Gain practical insights into forging fruitful collaborations between established corporations and agile startups. Elevate your startup by learning through the expert guidance of corporate incubators.

speaker headshot Katie Fox
Partner - Investment Team
ClearImpact Ventures
speaker headshot Josh Di Frances
Head of Incubation
speaker headshot Elizabeth Scallon
Director of Incubation Enablement
speaker headshot Zafer Sahinoglu
VP, Innovation
Mitsubishi Electric US Inc.
speaker headshot Matt Puccini
Global Startup Ecosystem Partner Executive
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Afternoon Break

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Startup Pitch Competition

For Investors,Startup Focus, Main Stage
Location: Main Stage
Format: Special Activation

We've chosen ten innovative, fresh-thinking startups to share their story on stage at our Annual Startup Pitch Competition. At this event, each startup will have 5 minutes to impress our panel of executive judges to win the top prize of $15,000 - and the honor of 1st place at LG NOVA's Annual Pitching Competition. Previous winners have also gone on to explore business collaboration with LG NOVA and LG Electronics.

With this year's event, co-sponsored by LG Chem, they will be presenting an "Innovation for Impact" award, with a prize money of $10,000 to the one company that stands out as a true difference maker in our future.

speaker headshot Sokwoo Rhee
LG Electronics
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

Bridging the Gap in Behavioral Health with Technology

HealthTech, Ineractive Discussion, AI
Location: Hustle Hub
Format: Collaborative Think Tank

The behavioral health crisis has reached a critical point in the US. Millions continue to struggle to get - or stay - in treatment. Traditional methods for treatment face an uphill battle. Here's the exciting part: technology, especially AI, has the potential to revolutionize access and engagement.

Join this interactive roundtable with industry leaders and fellow innovators to explore:

  • Innovative tech solutions: Let's brainstorm how to leverage AI and other advancements to tackle the crisis head-on.
  • Unlocking patient potential: Can contextually trained AI models become a game-changer for engagement and outcomes?
  • Building a future of accessible care: Together, let's shape the future of healthcare by making mental health support truly accessible for all.

This session is your chance to be part of the solution. Let's unlock the potential of technology to transform behavioral health together!

speaker headshot Atul Singh
General Manager, Digital Health
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

Managing Energy at the Edge: The Grid in 2035

CleanTech, Expert Panel, Interactive Discussion
Location: Disruption Lab
Format: Panel + Collaborative Think Tank

Ten years from now, our power grid will have evolved from what we know today.  Join industry experts as they envision the energy landscape of 2035.  Explore the technological advancements, policy shifts, and market dynamics shaping the future grid. Discover how to navigate this new era of energy management and optimize operations at the edge.

For more insights, check out the NREL study on 100% clean electricity by 2035 and the vision for a modernized U.S. grid.

speaker headshot Haresh Kamath
Director, Integrated Grid Cross-Cutting Technologies and Solutions
speaker headshot Christopher Villarreal
Plugged In Strategies
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

Investor Tour 2 of 2 (Invite Only)

For Investors

Format: Special Activation

Designed especially for investors and VCs, we're hosting a walk-through of the companies selected to be a part of the LG NOVA Mission for the Future Initiative. These companies are a showcase of great ideas and technologies that are future-positive. During the tour, investors will have the chance to ask questions, explore investment opportunities, and foster meaningful connections with both the startups and fellow investors within our network. This event is designed to provide a more intimate and detailed exploration of the future-driven solutions that are shaping tomorrow's industries.

time iconSeptember 26, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Energizing Tomorrow: Efficiency, Safety, and Innovation in Cleantech

CleanTech, Interactive Discussion
Location: Interactive Discussion Area
Format: Collaborative Think Tank

Session Takeaways:

  • A clearer understanding of the challenges and growing opportunities in cleantech
  • The role AI and emerging technology can play in solving the energy challenges of the future, and for today
  • Shared considerations for developing cleantech solutions as the market grows. 


The energy industry is facing a real challenge in meeting the load growth needs, particularly as the tech industry continues to develop AI and AI datacenters on top of the changes in climate that is creating inconsistencies in supplies and demands everywhere. Come to this session to contribute your voice to the discussion on developing technology solutions that will help us reach a better balance between energy supply and demand for the future. We’ll be facilitating a conversation around: 

  • The state of the energy landscape - a gathering of data insights on the growing energy needs, the ability for the market to create energy, and the disconnect between those that energy assets and those that do not. 
  • Opportunities and challenges in technology development to bridge the gap
  • Emerging technology and AI solutions for enabling and accelerating clean energy transition and decarbonization
  • Corporate tech, startup and government’s role in working together to solve for a better future in clean energy
speaker headshot Kristie Deiuliis
Managing Director
Black & Veatch
speaker headshot Scott Walbrun
BMW i Ventures
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Afternoon Break

CleanTech, Expert Panel, Startup Focus
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

From Zero to $500 Million: How to Scale a Cleantech Startup

CleanTech, Expert Panel, Startup Focus
Location: CleanTech Stage
Format: Panel Discussion

Learn from industry titans who've conquered the cleantech landscape. Join successful founders as they share their blueprints for building energy startups from the ground up to valuations exceeding $500M. Hear about the strategies, pitfalls, and triumphs that fueled their exponential growth.

For more details, check out the MIT report on climate tech exits and the resurgence of climate tech startups.

speaker headshot Brian Thompson
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

Innovation Recap - Day 2

Interactive Discussion, Main Stage
Location: Main Stage
Format: Special Activation
time iconSeptember 26, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Grand Finale: Reception

After two days of exhilarating discussions, inspiring presentations, and networking opportunities, the closing reception promises to close out InnoFest 2024 in style.